麦蒂(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)是一个12岁的小女孩,她一生中最大的爱好就是和热爱极限运动的父亲一起外出攀岩,在这方面,小小年纪的麦蒂已经是专家级的选手了。一次意外中,麦蒂的父亲从岩壁上跌落,身受重伤,无法动弹的父亲和巨额的医疗费让这个家庭的幸福时光画上了句点。 眼看着家庭就要崩溃,古灵精怪的麦蒂想出了一个“快速敛财”的妙招——抢银行。麦蒂找来了好友古斯(马克斯·希尔莱耶 Max Thieriot 饰)和奥斯汀(科宾·布鲁 Corbin Bleu 饰)帮忙,他们一个是电脑高手,一个是机械专家,两位好友的帮助加上自身高超的攀爬技巧,麦蒂的“犯罪计划”能否获得成功呢?
Three men go on a hunting trip deep in the Swedish forest. Things start well, but one day all the animals vanish and the forest turns eerily quiet, leaving the men alone as they insist the hunt must continue.
We’re back in Burnley and Dave Fishwick is fighting the good fight all over again. But this time it’s the Payday Loan Companies who are looking to bring him down.
The world outside the forest has been ravaged by a deadly virus. Young Marko is faced with losing everything as he must journey through a shattered world, shrouded in silence and overtaken by the Infected and the conflict-torn remnants of humanity.