Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.
故事发生在十九世纪的荷兰,凯蒂(莫妮卡·梵·德·冯 Monique van de Ven 饰)出生在一个非常贫困的家庭之中,生计所迫,凯蒂不得不和姐姐一样加入了卖淫的队伍中去。一次偶然中,凯蒂邂逅了名为乔治(Peter Faber 饰)的画家,乔治被凯蒂的身体深深的迷住了,邀请凯蒂充当自己的人体模特。 之后,凯蒂结识了男青年雨果(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer 饰),第一次,凯蒂感受到了爱情的滋味,而雨果也坠入了情网,决定帮助凯蒂赎身。然而,这段浪漫的感情还是遭到了现实的阻挠,最终,雨果屈服了,迎娶了门当户对的千金小姐。心碎欲绝的凯蒂加入了革命的队伍之中,并且遇见了贵族青年安德烈(Eddie Brugman 饰)。