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关东黑帮立花一家的第二代首领明美(梶芽衣子 饰)与刚田组组长(加原武门 饰)抗争,纷乱中误伤刚田之妹蓝子(ホキ徳田 饰)的眼睛,蓝子疼爱的黑猫立时上前舔噬伤眼。蓝子的痛苦和仇恨汇聚成对立花明美的诅咒。  三年后,明美期满出狱,派别抗争继续。明美却发现手下亲信被夺去双目、离奇杀害。失明后的蓝子将背部纹有青龙图案的立花一家成员定为目标,誓要杀光仇敌。而明美则不得不与部下联合,一面与敌对帮派周旋,一面对抗来自盲女的恐怖诅咒……
A man tries to raise his two sons and two daughters under some of the most adverse conditions known to man. The father operates a horse-drawn cart, but in a city that is modernizing after the destruction of the Korean War, automobiles are making carts obsolete. The children are experiencing difficulties as well. The eldest son has flunked the bar exam twice and is not hopeful of passing it a third time to become a lawyer. The eldest daughter is mute and married to an abusive husband. The younger daughter tries to pose as a rich university student to move up in life. The youngest son has a penchant for petty theft.
Set in the early years of the century. A story of a country gentleman haunted by the memory of his first wife. His current wife, had enough of his obsession and has taken a lover, who is mysteriously paralyzed. Meanwhile, main character’s son gets his first taste of sensual experience with a mute peasant girl.
The middle-class family of a young woman cannot understand why she delays in marrying a respectable young man. They know nothing about her long-standing affair with a Frenchman.
第十作  荒涼とした北国を旅する眠狂四郎(市川雷蔵)は、侍を襲い密書を奪い取る一団を目撃したことから、家老の稲田外記(安部徹)と堀妥女正(小沢栄太郎)が対立する佐伯藩のお家騒動に巻き込まれる。外記派からは密書を奪ったと誤解され、妥女正派からは外記派とみなされた。次々と襲い来る美女たちの誘惑の罠をからくも切り抜ける狂四郎。やがて狂四郎は、外記派の成瀬辰馬(田村高廣)・妥女正派から雇われた剣の使い手・野々宮甚内(伊藤雄之助)と刃を交えつつも奇妙な友情を抱くようになるが…
希拉·加贝尔 , 沃尔夫冈·普莱斯 , 皮埃尔·布莱斯
永井荷風の没後一周年を記念して、豊田四郎監督が同名小説を映画化した文芸作。東京の郊外、隅田川の東にある遊廓で中学教師・順平は、お雪という娼婦と出会い恋に落ちる。だが、そんなふたりの関係が、順平の妻・光子の知るところとなり…。  A village girl goes to Tokyo and becomes a hooker to support her ailing mother. While there she meets an unmarried teacher (at least he says he's unmarried) and falls in love. When she learns that he lied and is married to a woman whose child was fathered by another man, she is crushed. He returns to his wife. The woman becomes more distraught when she learns her uncle has misused the money she has sent. As the final straw, her mother dies, and the girl becomes sick.