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Winter's End is a contemporary thriller set on a rural, isolated farm. 21-year-old Amy Rose live on this farm with her two brothers Henry and Sean and we follow Amy's progress from abuse and oppression at the hands of her older brother Henry, to independence and freedom.
1939年,波兰在纳粹德国的统治下,党卫军对犹太人进行了隔离统治。德国商人奥斯卡·辛德勒(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)来到德军统治下的克拉科夫,开设了一间搪瓷厂,生产军需用品。凭着出众的社交能力和大量的金钱,辛德勒和德军建立了良好的关系,他的工厂雇用犹太人工作,大发战争财。   1943年,克拉科夫的犹太人遭到了惨绝人寰的大屠杀,辛德勒目睹这一切,受到了极大的震撼,他贿赂军官,让自己的工厂成为集中营的附属劳役营,在那些疯狂屠杀的日子里,他的工厂也成为了犹太人的避难所。   1944年,德国战败前夕,屠杀犹太人的行动越发疯狂,辛德勒向德军军官开出了1200人的名单,倾家荡产买下了这些犹太人的生命。在那些暗无天日的岁月里,拯救一个人,就是拯救全世界。
圣幕伦私人医院有着几位做事颠倒的英联邦实习医生,罗保罗、福克兰、金子文(文隽 饰)和李雨文(张坚庭 饰)在主治陈医生(陈友 饰)治下整日无心救人。医务署接到病人投诉,前往圣幕伦调查医师水平与硬件设施,院长想出对策,令护士长谷琳达(林建明 饰)主持整改。谷琳达随即召入大批新护士,方小敏等姑娘如愿进入了护士岗位。深谙实习医生手段的谷琳达又召入一名男护士阿旦(郑丹瑞 饰),以便时时保护护士不受实习医生们的骚扰。可罗保罗等人怎肯善罢甘休?一群年轻人在医院内外闹出连场笑话。与此同时,奇怪的病人、医护之间的恶作剧充斥着整家医院,医务署再次调查圣幕伦之后得出的结论依然不理想,究竟圣幕伦众医护如何才能得到患者和医务署的认可呢?
This story is about a musician, Natalie, who moves to a big city and tries her luck at becoming famous. And here she finds not only a great opportunity for her career, but also a new love with another girl, Anna. They two are very different one poor, the other one is rich, one of them writes music and sings, the other one cannot hear or speak…  They are united by love for each other, but their own fears stand in the way of their happiness. They both go through doubts and pain. When they finally find courage in their hearts, it seems like it's too late… But does true love have time limits  HISTORY  The proposed film is based on short film “I LOVE HER” (2013).  The film participated in such film festivals as Frameline39, San Francisco International LGBTQ Film Festival, MIX COPENHAGEN, Festival International Entr'2 Marches (Cannes film festival), Boston LGBT Film Festival, The Barcelona International LGTIB Film Festival.       The film also participated in film festivals held in Madrid, Paris, Seattle, Boston, London, Hamburg. In whole the film participated in 28 film festivals of 12 countries (France,USA, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Serbia, Latin America, Turkey) and 3 continents (Europe, America, Asia).