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在英属印度的法扎巴德,有一个名叫迪拉瓦尔(威什瓦吉特·普拉丹 Vishwajeet Pradhan 饰)的年轻人,在他的印度陆军尉官父亲作证后,被判处了几年的监禁。自此以后,他心怀报复之念。他绑架了一个名叫阿米兰的女孩,并将她卖给了一家舞馆。在那里,阿米兰被迫改名为贾安(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 饰)。随着时间的推移,贾安成长为一位杰出的女诗人和艺妓。  年轻的纳瓦布(阿布舍克·巴强 Abhishek Bachchan 饰)被贾安的美貌和她的诗歌所吸引,但最终他不得不按照他母亲的选择,娶了另一个女孩,留下了伤心的贾安。心碎的贾安寻求法伊兹(桑尼尔·谢迪 Sunil Shetty 饰)的安慰,两人私奔,然而他们发现法伊兹是一名通缉犯,最终被警卫枪杀。
The film deals with reincarnation and had a gothic noir feel to it. While driving his car on a rainy night, Anand's car breaks down, and he goes to seek shelter in a nearby house. He is let into the house by the servant, and he is permitted to stay until the rains stop, and he is able to get his car fixed. It is here that Anand will find out about his previous birth, his true love, Madhumati, their ill-fated, star-crossed and tragic romance, and how this the events in his previous birth are going to effect him in this life-time.
Childhood sweethearts, Devdas and Paro grow up in a small village with a love-hate relationship which changes to love when they mature. Devdas' dad does not approve of his marriage or even any friendship with Paro, and sends him away to Calcutta where he is introduced to a dancer, Chandramukhi, who adores him and falls hopelessly in love with him. Devdas in not aware of Chandramukhi's affection and love for him, as most of his time is spent in a alcoholic stupor, and lust for Paro.
A Zamindar neglects his wife and prefers the company of alcohol and dancing girls. The decadence of the Bangali Zamindar milieu and the raising bourgeoisie in the late 19th century, seen through the eyes of a young upward mobile rustic seeking fortune in Calcutta, and fascinated by the lady of the house...
庄严肃穆的法庭之上,险遭杀害的大法官拉贡纳特(普利特维拉·卡浦尔 Prithviraj Kapoor 饰)义正言辞,道貌岸然。被告席上,神色颓丧的青年拉兹(拉兹·卡普尔 Raj Kapoor 饰)无依无靠,听天由命。拉兹自幼在贫困的环境中长大,后被拉贡纳特当年的仇家引诱赶起偷盗抢劫的营生。按照这位大法官的说法,他就是一个天生的坏蛋与堕落者。美丽的丽达(纳尔吉丝 Nargis 饰)是拉兹童年时代的好友,同时师从拉贡纳特学习法律。她自高奋勇担当拉兹的辩护律师,在她紧追不舍的诘问之下,拉贡纳特不得不在庭上讲述他于24年前将妻子赶出家门的经过。  谁知这看似毫无关联的供述,竟与本案有着极深的渊源……
Shehzada Khurram 在美娜市集第一次与 Arjuman Banoo 相遇,也由此一见钟情. 当 Noor Jehan 皇后, 也就是 Shahenshah Jehangir 的妻子之一, 发现此事后, 勃然大怒, 因为她想让 Khurram 娶她的女儿, Ladli Banu, 尽管 Arjuman 是她侄女. 她阴谋将 Arjuman 囚禁在自己的宫殿, 未能如愿; 又企图将 Khurram 送去战场 - 再次未能如愿, 当 Khurram 凯旋而归后, 被称为 'Shah Jehan'. 皇后又让她的继子, Saifuddin, 安排杀害 Khurram - 依然未能成功. Khurram 虽受了伤, 但在 Arjuman 的帮助下很快康复并回到家中, 但出于为父亲健康的担心而没有告诉他. 当 Jehangir 得知 Arjuman 所做的, 非常高兴地为他们安排婚事, 而另一方面 Saifuddin 则娶了 Ladli. 此后 Khurram 被派去另一个王国, Jehangir 病倒后, Noor Jehan 掌握了大权, 并宣布 Khurram 为入侵者, 派兵将其和他的两个儿子带回...
故事发生在一个偏僻而又贫穷的村庄之中,妮塔(Supriya Choudhury 饰)出生在一个人口众多的大家庭里,妮塔的父亲读过一点书,自认为是文化人,所以不屑于外出去做那些普通的工作,一直赋闲在家。哥哥将成为歌唱家当做是毕生的志愿,整天醉心于音乐之中,完全不问世事。妹妹爱慕虚荣,整天就想着怎么打扮自己,不务正业。弟弟则个性火爆,刚刚工作没多久就因为打架斗殴受了伤,只能在家休养。  如此一来,全家人的重担都落在了妮塔的肩上,为了养活一大家子人,妮塔不得不没日没夜的外出打工赚钱,久而久之,妮塔患上了肺结核,当然,妮塔不可能有钱有时间去看病的,她的病情就这样一天天的越来越严重。
Very well made historical movie  Amrapali is a film often overlooked by movie lovers and critics alike.  The movie flopped on it's initial release but watching it today I can't understand why this happened. The film charts the story of the court dancer, Amrapali, devoted to the royal family of her district. She falls in love and begins an intense relationship with a soldier who saves her life. Unknown to Amrapali the soldier is the prince from a neighboring district who are locked in an on-going and bloody war with the royal family that Amrapali serves.  The film features a strong message on the futility of war. The movie delivers everything that an Indian film lover could ask for ... mind-blowing visuals, strong performances by all of the cast, a killer soundtrack and beautiful dances performed by Vyjanthimala. The movie is very difficult to find - but if you do track it down give it a viewing ... the last scene where Amrapali submits to Buddha in a touching sequence where she questions why men wage war on each other will stay with you for a long long time.
The film is set in a small village in Rajasthan, India. It tells the story of a woman named Shanichari, who was abandoned by her mother shortly after her father's death. Bad fortune follows as she marries an alcoholic, who leaves her with little hope of a brighter future for herself and her mentally challenged son.  Throughout Shanichari's lifetime of misfortune she has never cried. This creates great difficulty once she is called to become a rudaali until Bhinkni, an experienced mourner, enters her life.[2] Shanichari and the local landlord's son fall in love with each other, but Shanichari is reluctant to ask the rich lover for money as she does not want to lower her love even for the sake of getting out of poverty and misery.
“悲剧灵魂的孪生姊妹”是印度影圈对女演员米娜库玛莉(Meena Kumari, 1932-1972)的追觞诔辞。这部电影于她骤逝数月后上映,由才貌双全的她诠释艺伎主题,集青楼艳史、歌声俳笑、曼舞袅罗,可说是后来宝莱坞古典歌舞片经典舞蹈部分的始祖。