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井上清子 , 伊吹吾郎 , 松山容子 , 柳泽慎一 , 栗塚旭 , 槇摩耶
查尔斯·科尔温 , 梅尔·奥勃朗
匈牙利新浪潮代表人物佐尔坦.法布里的代表作。  匈牙利历史上第一部入围戛纳电影节的影片。  根据小说改编,获戛纳金棕榈提名。  一对年轻人在游乐场相遇,他们整夜跳舞,男孩向女孩倾诉了衷肠,谁知却引来令人吃惊的回应...  本片的弥漫的哀伤情绪长久不衰。是匈牙利历史上第一部入围戛纳电影节的影片。
愛欲の日々 エクスタシー[电影解说]
年轻的女管家艾米莉是一个不畏人言、只凭良心做事的人,在命运的安排下,分别与三个不同男人产生微妙的感情,也让她在艰苦的生活中学会了生命与爱情的意义。  艾米莉在麦克吉尔比先生家做管家,当麦克吉尔比先生的妻子过世后,艾米莉接受了麦克吉尔比先生的求婚,但是命运和艾米莉开了一个大玩笑,使得她不得不离开。  艾米莉在拉里·伯奇家找到新工作,伯奇太太罗娜常年卧病在床,艾米莉发现这个家中似乎隐藏了许多秘密,艾米莉逐渐爱上了拉里,但罗娜竟然神秘地死亡了,艾米莉与拉里共同生活,但拉里从不承诺要和艾米莉结婚,艾米莉仍然盲目地跟随著拉里,而差点错过了真爱……
Very well made historical movie  Amrapali is a film often overlooked by movie lovers and critics alike.  The movie flopped on it's initial release but watching it today I can't understand why this happened. The film charts the story of the court dancer, Amrapali, devoted to the royal family of her district. She falls in love and begins an intense relationship with a soldier who saves her life. Unknown to Amrapali the soldier is the prince from a neighboring district who are locked in an on-going and bloody war with the royal family that Amrapali serves.  The film features a strong message on the futility of war. The movie delivers everything that an Indian film lover could ask for ... mind-blowing visuals, strong performances by all of the cast, a killer soundtrack and beautiful dances performed by Vyjanthimala. The movie is very difficult to find - but if you do track it down give it a viewing ... the last scene where Amrapali submits to Buddha in a touching sequence where she questions why men wage war on each other will stay with you for a long long time.
A poor young man finds a magic lamp that possesses a genie, who will grant the boy three wishes if he sets him free from the lamp.
Androcles is a Christian who follows that religion's teachings even as they apply to the treatment of animals. Seeing a lion in pain, he removes a huge thorn from the beast's paw, creating a friend for life. Androcles and a number of other Christians are evenutally arrested and condemned to death in the arena. They are to die by being eaten by lions. Is it too much to hope that one of the lions may have a paw that has healed recently and might remember who helped heal it
Based on the eponymous novella by Turgenev, the film follows the narrator, a young Russian man traveling in Germany. He meets his compatriots, Gagin and his sister Asya. The narrator and Asya fall in love, but will he take the next ste
江户时代魔鬼横行,为了对抗伪装成人类的魔鬼,一群有志之士成立了一个名叫“鬼御门”的组织。其中一个高手病叶出门(市川染五郎 饰 ),被称作“杀鬼者”,五年前他神秘地离开组织,来到第四代鹤屋南北(小日向文世 饰)开办的剧场做演员。此时在江户出现了一个名叫“暗夜的茶花”的盗贼, 实际上她们是一群表面上以云游表演为生的女子,其中最美的是一个叫椿(宫泽理惠 饰)的女子。病叶偶然邂逅了椿,两人相爱了。假扮成尼姑的恶鬼首领美惨(樋口可南子 饰),无意中发现了椿肩膀上的阿修罗王的标记,可是椿对此一无所知,在美惨的推波助澜下,在病叶与椿结合的一瞬间真相终于浮出水面。鬼王阿修罗重生,阿修罗城出现在了世人面前。