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故事发生在十九世纪下半叶的诺曼底,珍妮(玛丽亚·雪儿 Maria Schell 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,和父母以及仆人罗丽莎(帕丝卡·佩蒂特 Pascale Petit 饰)住在一幢富丽堂皇的大宅子里。某日,珍妮邂逅了名为朱利安(Christian Marquand 饰)的男子。儒雅英俊的朱利安很快就吸引了珍妮的注意,没过多久,两人就走到了一起。  然而,结婚之后,珍妮逐渐发现,朱利安根本就不爱自己,他看上的只是她的财产而已,不仅如此,朱利安还和罗丽莎搞在了一起,令罗丽莎怀上了他的孩子。被朱利安抛弃后,罗丽莎选择将孩子生下来,然后忍痛辞职了。
Count Anikoff, a Russian officer, challenges his best friend, Sergei, to a duel when he finds him courting the young woman he, too, is in love with. Sergei can't bring himself to kill his friend. He fires only after taking the bullet out of his pistol. Now, it is the Count's turn to fire...  From a story by Aleksandr Pushkin.    First film by R. Castellani, with the participation of both Alberto Moravia and Mario Soldati for the script.
古代大和國誕下雙胞胎,古代傳說雙胞胎的二子是不祥物,被國師把二王子丟去山谷,但被天之白禽所救,並帶他到伊勢神社由巫女扶養他及由青龍玄武兩位傳授武學,少年時在好奇心驅使下到了禁地,海神賜勾玉给他作護身符,長大後,母親召他回國,但母親生了怪病,在探病時把彎玉交給他母親,但晚上母親就過世了,大王子看見彎玉,以為是二王子咒死母親,便找二王子報仇,但混戰中,二王子突然眼晴放出熱線,意外殺了大王子。  父王僧恨二王子便要他前往征服熊襲王,路上和青龍玄武一起,在神社巧遇命中註定的伴侶。於是又一起同行,但不幸弟橘到熊襲國做間碟時被捉住,成為了熊襲神的貢品,另一方面二王子打敗熊襲王後就與熊襲神打鬥救去弟橘,最後用熱線眼打敗熊襲神,獲得白禽之鏡。  返回國後,受養母要求下偷走天叢雲劍,途中再與弟橘一起,但國師居然出現,用咒術召喚海神殺死他們,弟橘眼見王子被海神拉到水底便不惜跳海救王子,王子救了,但弟橘被海神捉走,王子到處找弟橘,在沙灘上居然看到養母暈了,便背著她走了,怎料養母是師所扮,更在混戰中把王子殺了偷去天叢雲劍,負傷的國師將天叢雲劍傳到降臨在月亮的黑暗神後就死了變回牙齒。  當王子醒來時,居然回到年少時的禁地見牛頭大王,他們打鬥時,王子把石中蛇的韓鋤剣拔出,得到神劍,海神把弟橘復活,要他們打敗黑暗神拯救世界。兩人被送到月球,與黑暗神大戰,但不敵,後來用白禽之鏡提升彎玉力量才打敗,黑暗神只好現出真身,化為八歧大蛇在月面上暴走,天之白禽出現救了他們,但八歧大蛇太強,用火焰燒死白禽和他們,死後到了異空間,弟橘代為光包住王子,集合白禽之鏡和韓鋤剣竞變身成宇宙戰神,最後打敗八歧大蛇把他封印,他們便過著快樂日子。
菲利克斯(理查德·勒杜克 Richard Leduc 饰)从小就没有感受过母爱,这段悲惨的童年经历大大的影响了他的人生轨迹。某日,在一场盛大的晚宴上,菲利克斯邂逅了一位美丽的夫人,这位夫人的出现摄走了菲利克斯的魂魄,让他惶惶不可终日。  之后,菲利克斯得知这位美丽优雅的 女士是居住在安得尔河畔的莫尔索夫人(德菲因·塞里格 Delphine Seyrig 饰),她的丈夫年迈而又脾气暴躁,孩子又体虚多病。莫尔索夫人不幸的遭遇让菲利克斯对她更加的着迷,他想方设法接近这一家人,并最终顺利的登堂入室。面对菲利克斯热烈的追求,恪守妇道的莫尔索夫人一味的闪躲,但她无法忽视自己内心蠢蠢欲动的欲望。
In Ispahan, Persia, Hajji Baba is leaving his father's shop to seek a greater fortune, while the Princess Fawzia is trying to talk her father, the Caliph into giving her in marriage to Nur-El-Din, a rival prince known far and wide as mean and fickle. Her father intends Fawzia for Fawzia to marry a friend and ally, and makes plans to send her to him. But a courier brings word from Nur-El-Din that an escort awaits Fawzia on the outskirts of the city and she escapes the palace disguised as a boy. Hajji encounters the escort-warrior at the rendezvous spot, is attacked and beats up the escort with his barber's tools. The princess arrives and mistakes Hajji as the escort until he mistakes the emerald ring sent by Nur-El-Din to Fawzia as the prize to be delivered. In her efforts to escape him, her turban becomes unbound and Hajji realizes that the girl herself is the treasure Nur-El-Din awaits. Hajji promises to escort her and they spend the night with the caravan of Osman Aga, who invites them to stay for the dancing girls, among them, the incomparable Ayesha. The pair are overtaken by the Caliph's guards sent to bring Fawzia back, but the guards are driven off by an invading army of Turcoman women, a band of fierce and beautiful women who prey on passing merchants.
A witch is put to death in Colonial America, leaving her husband and infant daughter behind. Seventeen years later, the daughter has grown up and stands to inherit money set up by her mother’s family. Now that the stage is set, the mother wants to return to life by taking over her daughter’s body.
A vengeful witch and her fiendish servant return from the grave and begin a bloody campaign to possess the body of the witch's beautiful look-alike descendant. Only the girl's brother and a handsome doctor stand in her way.
保罗(理查德·帕斯科 Richard Pasco 饰)的父亲和哥哥客死他乡,想要揭开其中真相的保罗来到了他们生前所生活的小镇进行调查。这个小镇上的所有居民都给保罗一种非常诡异的感觉,他们唯唯诺诺抖抖霍霍,仿佛有什么恐怖的东西隐藏在暗夜里,随时都会跑出来要他们的性命一样。  纳马洛博士(彼得·库欣 Peter Cushing 饰)曾经是父亲的助手,这个男人和一位神秘的美女卡拉(芭芭拉·谢莉 Barbara Shelley 饰)的诡异行踪吸引了保罗的注意。卡拉似乎患有一种奇怪的病,经常会昏倒并且失去记忆,而纳马洛博士显然对卡拉情有独钟,担负着她的保护者的身份。那么,父亲和哥哥的死,和这两个人究竟有没有关系呢?