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该片以日本殖民统治时期为背景,由朝鲜自行车英雄严福童的真实事件改编,讲述了满腔爱国热血的自行车店店员严福童十几年来坚持参加各大赛事,抚慰当时殖民统治下人们饱受创伤的心灵,最终成就一代英雄的爱国励志故事。   《严福童》是描写活跃在日据时代的自行车英雄的真 实故事的电影。作为自行车店店员的严福童参加了1913年全朝鲜自行车大赛获得冠军以来,持续十几年活跃在许多赛事,成为自行车英雄,抚慰了殖民地人民的心灵。
A tenuously linked group of nobodies trudge through their woeful existence in dreary Winnipeg. A sickly middle-aged man in a failing marriage, a stand-up comedian whose sets are met by utter indifference, a stoner couple who share only trivial exchanges, and a young loner unsympathetic to his caring mother are each living lives lost in translation, detached from their surroundings and the people around them. -- from viff.org
When a vengeful man with criminal ties starts hunting down his family, Dr. Mikhael vows to protect them and annihilate his enemy.
故事缘起三年之前,富二代曹元元(林峰 饰)曾因土地纠纷纵容手下杀害一名老人,事后他作为幕后主使锒铛入狱。服刑期间,元少饮食无忧,逍遥自在,随后又因表现良好即将提前释放。不久前才收到元少手下恐吓的老人的孙女廖雨萍(周秀娜 饰)认为背后必有隐情,于是前往廉政公署实名举报监狱涉嫌受贿。为了调查真相,廉政公署首席调查主任陆志廉(古天乐 饰)故意危险驾驶被捕入狱,谁想此前被他亲手法办的不法警察黄文彬(林家栋 饰)也在此服刑,并且和元少各自率领敌对的帮派。   帮派乱战,陆Sir被迫卷入其中,而狱方躲在幕后暗暗操纵着一切……
基于Nathaniel Rich在《纽约时报》上发表的文章《The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare》,围绕罗伯特·比洛特展开,他担任辩护律师长达8年之久,他对化工巨头杜邦公司提起了环境诉讼,这场官司揭露了几十年来杜邦公司化学污染的历史。
New school headmaster and single mother Kathy discovers her vacation fling with charming 18-year-old Ian was no accident when he transfers to her school targeting Kathy and her teenage daughter Bree in a deadly scheme. Ian wants revenge as he believes Kathy is responsible for splitting up his family ultimately leading to his father's death. Kathy will need to uncover Ian's motives quickly if she hopes to protect herself and Bree from his dangerous threats.
首部4K全景声粤剧电影,取材自民间故事《白蛇传》,那白蛇的故事,远久流传...   白素贞修炼千年,只为人间寻那许仙,再续兰因前缘。   说什么人妖殊途,法理难容此爱恋。昆仑雪寒金山水漫,白素贞拼尽所有,只求天地人心情真一片。   纵天谴又如何?再困塔里千年亦甘愿!   彼此守望,哪天,佛陀花开,你我再见!
作为亚洲冰毒製造业传奇人物「先生」的长女,傅馀雨〔温碧霞 饰〕离家失踪多年,偏偏在家族最动盪的时期,回到这个充满权斗与罪孽的城市。集团的元老火叔、名义上的继承人傅馀浪、素未谋面的妹妹傅馀雪、一直暗中调查的警方… 各方人马各怀鬼胎,傅馀雨趁机不断穿插逢迎,不同阵营的衝突愈加剧烈!   一段缠绕二十年的悲痛往事,突然在此时被揭开,而惊天动地的大秘密,亦伴随著另一个阴谋渐渐浮出水面…   ?? 第16届香港亚洲电影节「隆重呈献」
Yeonmo Island is a small and serene island. Eun-ji enters the island for some peace, with a guitar and some scuba gear. The men in the fishing village start stirring, as a beautiful woman appears. Especially Yong-tae, the president of the island, and his subordinates, Yoon-gil and Byeong-sam, look creepily at her. One day, Eun-ji finds out that the men in the village have blocked the boat that is supposed to get her off the island. The residents, the police and everyone else gathers around her…
影片改编自Garth Stein所著同名畅销小说,聚焦一只名叫恩佐的狗狗,和他的主人——职业赛车手Denny Swift,恩佐跟着Denny学会了很多生活哲学。