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绝命复仇癫狂哥 The Assistant[电影解说]
Zafik is unjustly imprisoned and not pleased about it. When he is released, he gets the help of the unhinged Feroz to get revenge.
圣蛛 Les nuits de Mashhad[电影解说]
导演连环杀手 Chup[电影解说]
It centers on Suresh, a lonely movie director who stumbles into Shanti one evening and casts her as the lead in a film. In a twist of fate, Shanti becomes a superstar and Suresh falls from the upper echelons of the film industry.
蒸发密令:重生 Eraser Reborn[电影解说]
地堡游戏 The Bunker Game[电影解说]
After several mysterious accidents, A Live Action Role Playing game is interrupted and the players leave the bunker while the staff remains behind to investigate the disappearance of Greg, the mastermind of the game.
四大杀手 The Big 4[电影解说]
致命教案 Lesson Plan[电影解说]
After a teacher tragically dies, his friend, who happens to be a former cop, takes over his old job in hopes of catching the people responsible for his murder.
思维笼 Mindcage[电影解说]
When a copycat strikes, two detectives ask a top serial killer for help.
《恶到必除》是一部讲述上世纪九十年代我国公安机关,众志成城、强强联合打击违法犯罪活动、伸张社会正义的警匪动作影片。 上世纪90年代的南方一座名为滨海的小城市连续发生多起令人发指的凶残劫案,为人刚正不阿的北方公安徐正阳来到来到滨海支援本地刑侦队长宋海侦破案件,面对具备高超反侦察能力以及凶残属性的嚣张的庄志强劫匪集团,两人各自发挥所长,经历一番斗智斗勇的对决后,最终一举歼灭以庄志强为首的悍匪集团。
清洁工 The Cleaning Lady[电影解说]
FOX宣布预订《清洁工 The Cleaning Lady》,这部剧改编自阿根廷剧,由Miranda Kwok负责剧本,剧中讲述女主是个机智的医生,她来到美国寻求医治生病儿子的方法,然而美国却逼使她躲起来……不过她决心不会就此屈服,并转而投向黑帮当起解决问题的「清洁工」。