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In the Seventeenth Century, in England, the naive and pure Caroline invites her cousin and best friend Barbara Worth to come from London and stay with her a couple of days before her wedding with her beloved bridegroom, the wealthy magistrate Sir Ralph Skelton. The selfish, evil and wicked Barbara uses her beauty and seduces the weak Ralph, who falls in love for her. Caroline calls off the wedding and Barbara marries Ralph. When Barbara loses a jewel inherited from her mother gambling with Lady Henrietta Kingsolver, she pretends to be the famous highway thief Captain Jerry Jackson, recovers her jewels and begins a career of crime, looking for excitement stealing travelers in stagecoaches. When she meets the real Jerry Jackson on the road, she becomes her passionate lover and also a killer. Meanwhile Ralph realizes that he loves Caroline, but it seems to be too late for their life together...
After a brutish, hedonistic Marquis marries a pretty young Clarissa to act as a 'brood sow,' he begins an affair with her friend who plots to take her place.
剧情描述年轻矿工保罗个性文静而敏感,其母葛楚因与时常酗酒的丈夫感情不睦,竟转向儿子寻求爱的寄托,情感超过了正常的母爱。这种情形影响了保罗跟女朋友米莉安的交往,米莉安因家庭严格的宗教观念影响,使她只想追求精神恋爱而排斥肉体的热情。保罗为了摆脱母亲的控制与女友的感情打击,竟一头投入与夫分居的女工克莱拉的怀抱,但旋即发现两人在精神上缺乏沟通。最后,保罗抛弃了这座单调乏味的煤矿小镇,到异乡另闯天下  根据D.H劳伦斯自传体原著小说改编的英国文艺片,由杰出摄影师出身的杰克·卡迪夫执导,曾获奥斯卡最佳摄影奖。本片对保罗的复杂心理状态刻划得相当细腻,迪安·斯托克韦尔、特雷弗·霍华德和温迪·希勒这一家三口也演得出色。
Gwynn , Michael , 丹尼斯·瓦特曼 , 克里斯·马修斯 , 克里斯托弗·李 , 帕特里克·特罗 , 金妮·汉蕾
The Forbidden Street is a 1949 British melodrama film directed by Jean Negulesco and starring Dana Andrews, Maureen O'Hara, Sybil Thorndike, Fay Compton and A. E. Matthews. In Victorian London, a young woman marries a poor drunken artist and struggles to make ends meet. After his death, she takes in a lodger whom she soon falls in love with.
该片是名导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克刻意试验镜头的调皮作品,很多镜头都长达数分钟以上。其中一个自室外运动到室内,并且在十多名演员之间来回穿梭达十来分钟的长镜头,效果极度突出而引人入胜。褒曼如痴如狂的表演也十分精彩。  1830年的澳洲是英国流放囚犯的属地,一名英国青年(迈克尔·怀丁饰)随舅父到澳洲发展,与一对身份背景特殊的夫妇发生了一段纠缠不清的关系。
A man's obsession with his dead wife drives a wedge between him and his new bride.@
故事发生在第一次世界大战时期的爱尔兰,罗茜(莎拉·米尔斯 Sarah Miles 饰)是一个个性开朗热情奔放的女孩,她爱上了名为查尔斯(罗伯特·米彻姆 Robert Mitchum 饰)的小学校长,虽然两人的年轻相差巨大,但罗茜犹如飞蛾扑火一样的不顾一切,同查尔斯携手步入了婚礼的殿堂。  然而,新婚当夜,两人之间就发生了激烈的争吵。直到此时罗茜才发现,自己和查尔斯在性格上根本就不相配,但是为时已晚。之后,罗茜邂逅了少校兰德福(克里斯托弗·琼斯 Christopher Jones 饰),后者向罗茜展开了热烈的攻势,罗茜又一次坠入了情网。一连串意外的发生让罗茜成为了村子里的众矢之的,村民们将她囚禁了起来,想要给予她应受的惩罚。
丽萨(丽赛特·安东尼 Lysette Anthony 饰)是一位美丽的公主,在预言中,谁能够迎娶丽萨,谁就可以成为世界之王,而两个人的后代,将能够获得统治世界的强大力量。丽萨爱上了邻国的王子克罗恩(肯·马歇尔 Ken Marshall 饰),然而,就在两人准备携手步入婚姻的殿堂的节骨眼上,邪恶的怪兽出现了,他打伤了克罗恩,掠走了丽萨。  怪兽想要和丽萨诞下子嗣,但遭到了丽萨强烈的拒绝,因为她心中唯一认定的丈夫只有克罗恩。那边厢,身受重伤的克罗恩幸运的得到了一位名叫亚尔(弗雷迪·琼斯 Freddie Jones 饰)的老人的救助,在亚尔的指点下,克罗恩得到了一把非常厉害的飞刀,带着强大的武器,克罗恩决定启程寻找怪兽的踪迹,解救心爱的公主。
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.